- 5th Anniversary
Dates: | 27 - 29 December 1995 |
City: | Fredericia |
Venue: |
Main Organizers: | 4 |
Visitors (ex. daily): | 3242 |
Party Place Size (m2): | 20000 |
Power Usage(kWh): | 3018,30 |
Netcable (km): | 1 |
Servers: | 3 |
Switches: | |
Amiga Users: | 75% |
Cola consumed(l): | 20554,28 |
Sound peak at stage(DB): | 120 |
Girls: | 5-7 |
Entrance Price(DKK): | 250 |
Garbage(Kg): | 9693,58 |
4 Channel Music 1995 .. Amiga Demo 1995 .. Amiga Intro 1995 .. C64 Demo 1995 .. Coca Cola Body Crashing 1995 .. Fast Intro 1995 .. Graphics 1995 .. Multi Channel Music 1995 .. PC Demo 1995 .. PC Intro 1995 .. Wild Demo 1995
This year we went to Fredericia, partied in some funky T-shirts and had a rave party in the sleeping hall. The number of visitors was 3242. For the first time The Party featured Laser Matic, a laser war game, which turned out successfully.
All the guest were placed in one hall, which made The Party feeling disappear in the big hall. Furthermore there were some poles, which made it very difficult to se the stage. This year we used BNC cables as network(!!!).
The winner Amiga demo was "Closer" by CNCD.
In 1995 The Party paid 4 "sub-contractors" a very small amount to create an official network. This resulted in many hours of cabling-work and ended up with the most funky, creative, wierd but mostly functional network ever seen. To this day some of the things that worked on that LAN has never been explained theoritically.