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Email: theparty@theparty.dk

IRC: IRCnet #TheParty?

For more information about the IRCnet, please check out http://www.ircnet.org/.

Try the server at irc.dotsrc.org - port 6667

Please Note

There are no The Party organizers left. No events are being held anymore. One person is keeping this website running as a historical site, but otherwise there are no plans for any The Party activities.

If at all possible, please leave your comments about The Party on the wiki pages. Perhaps other website visitors will be able to respond.

Do you have corrections to this website, or new information to add? It's a Wiki website, so just go ahead and edit the pages where necessary. See ContributionEdit for details.

If you wish engage in discussions, please join on the IRC channel.

Other inqueries, including offers to help out, can be sent by email.