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Traced Graphics 1997


RankTitleMade ByPreview
17 foot dreadFrank of Orange 7 foot dread
2VigilanceDental Headache of Cromatics Vigilance
3t-alienTudor of TBL t-alien
4ShelledFndr of Sonik Clique Shelled
5Chase3D Addict of Digital Nerds og Visual Impact W Chase
6[[Up & Down]]Rubberboy of Korrekt Hatrabukfenc [[Up & Down|]]
7bloodlustRansom of Iris bloodlust
8BearkeySyl of Bizart Bearkey
9ConflictNarn of Enlightenment Conflict
10Private EyeImpact of No Group Private Eye
10MambaRob of Camelot Mamba
12X-clusive WallFirimaR? of ECC X-clusive Wall
13Skate or DieDeckard of Impact DK Skate or Die
14AlirusQuickspace of Exposure Alirus
164everDwarf of Subscure 4ever
17TP7.jpgZack of Spaceballs TP7.jpg
18I tried to stop the timeLaky of Capanna I tried to stop the time
19The Ultimate Alarm ClockHaxe of Capanna The Ultimate Alarm Clock
20[[ehh? Veran]]Znorc of Impact DK [[ehh? Veran|]]
20Nature ShowPipe of Natur Nature Show
23The Real ThingOne of Genetic The Real Thing
24Ca97Voomie of Mist Ca97
25Alpha B3Tmx of C-lous / Dole Alpha B3
26LonelinessBlackhead of Terrordrome Loneliness
26Droid SPalmery of ------Droid S
28BatteriesHeadroom of 3Difference Batteries|
29RobotJani Robot|
30TeleportSkin of CDI Teleport
30CakeSkyhawk of Laxity Cake
30Beach PatrolFlunkium of In-sect Beach Patrol
30BeerglassLithoras of 3Difference Beerglass
30AloneDemolee of Nerve Axis Alone
Tromix.jpgCozmo of Ethic Tromix.jpg
Kristall.jpgc-eAGLE of exlex Kristall.jpg
Vibes.jpgLogix of Sympathy Vibes.jpg



  1. $400
  2. $200
  3. $100
  4. $50