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4 Channel Music 1999


RankTitleMade ByPreview
1blue trippy yellowjazz of haujobb
2Right To BeKure of RNO
3yuyemuffler of loveboat
4Shamantra MoodsCurt Cool of Depth
5Dosk till dawnYogi of IRIS
6The Mutant BastardHazel of Static
7WesthammerReed of Damage
8Fading kkkolorsSpectra of Mawi
9DigitalityFrequent of Ephidrena
10The Downtown PornostoreSmash, Zipp of Razor1911, KFMF, Beam
11Twisted originsPuryx of Unique/Maximum
12Eggnog Boogie OogieTempest & DB of Damage
13Walk with me 2dIS of Nukleus
14In Media resTecon of Planet Jazz



  1. 300
  2. 200
  3. 50